Blogging Help

If you're new to blogging, this page contains resources to help you get started.

Create an Account
First, you'll need a gmail account to use only for school. Think of  this email account as a notebook to organize your digital school work. School email accounts are not to be used for social emailing and chatting. All Batesville School District Gmail accounts should follow the following format:

You insert your name and graduation year after "bsd." If you have the same first name and last initial as another student, please use the next letter in your last name. For example:

This format should sucessfully allow you to keep the same email address year after year.
So, Create Your Gmail Account Now.

What is a blog?
Take a few minutes to read Google's definition of a blog and explanation of what you can do with it.

Create a Blog
Follow these directions to create your blog.
  • Log in with your gmail username and password.
  • For your  DISPLAY NAME, use your first name last initial.
  • You may choose your blog title: make sure it is appropriate for school. 

Register Your Blog with the Pioneer Portal
Complete the appropriate form below to register your blog so that we can add you to the Pioneer Portal.

Protect Your Profile
To protect your privacy and practice safe online behavior, do NOT complete the profile boxes that reveal your personal information (such as birthdate and location). Simply leave them blank. Be sure to use ONLY FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL for your username.

To edit your profile, view your "dashboard" (in upper right hand corner when you're logged in to your blog), and click "edit profile" beside the pic.

You may upload an image of yourself only if your parents signed and returned the district  handbook form (page 81) giving written parental consent.

Publish a Post
When you publish to your blog, anyone can read it. Take pride in work and make sure you've carefully revised and edited your work.
If you need help, check out these tutorials.

Add an Image or Video
Bloggers often use images, charts, videos to support their ideas. Keep in mind these principles:
  • Use images that enhance your content. The image you select should relate to your ideas.
  • Never use copyrighted images. Instead, search for non-copyrighted images, and always credit the author or source of the image. Below are a few ways to find non-copyrighted images:
  • Consider creating your own images, charts, graphics to support your ideas. Writers often summarize data or key concepts in a visual graphic. You can easily create your own images in PowerPoint and save them as images to upload to your blog.
  • Always make certain the image/video is appropriate.
Check out Blogger's tutorials to learn how to add images and videos and podcasts to your blog.

Tweak Your Sidebar
You'll want to make sure your reader's can navigate the content on your blog. Be sure to include a search box, archive, labels or categories, and a way for readers to subscribe. Consider adding a GoodReads widget to your sidebar to show off the books you're reading.

Get More Help
Blogger provides an extensive list of tutorials. Check out their help page to learn more.